
You're a Neck Pain Alpaca!

Alpacas tend to over-use the neck too much, no matter what they do; therefore headaches. Most likely, we think it's due to physical trauma such as aging, disc degeneration, injury, motor vehicle accident, or posture problem. 


#PhysicalTrauma #injury #posture #stretch #discdegeneration

This health plan, made just for Alpacas like you, is recommended to feel headache-free asap while supporting long-term health.


Alpacas are most likely...

  • You are sick of over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil).

  • You do not know what triggers headaches specifically. You also have stiff neck.

  • You either wake up with sore neck or go to bed with sore neck.

  • You have tried multiple pillows and mattresses but always searching for something better.

  • You probably had several X-Rays, CT scans, and MRI. Doctors do not know why you have headaches. They recommend physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage or chiropractic treatments.


  • Simply put, the Alpaca's headaches are most likely from the nagging injury & poor posture (muscular problems) or aging (disc or spine problems). You may notice the headaches since a certain event:

    - MVA (motor vehicle accident)

    - Waking up with pain and decrease in range of motion in the neck

    - Work related injuries: computer, heavy-lifting etc

    - Pain from work: repetitive movements

    - Poor posture and muscle imbalance

    - Smartphones (tech neck)

    - Work from home (due to non-ergonomic work stations)

  • It's called ***Tension Headache***. This sounds scary, but it's the most common type of headache- pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck, and is often associated with muscle tightness in these areas.

  • The Front: SCM muscles - staring at the screens for a long periods of time- poor sitting posture

  • The Back: Splenius muscles - with the lingering injuries such as sports, work, motor vehicle and so on

  • The Base: Sub-occipitalis - grinding teeth at night or slouching posture

  • The Side: Trapezius - acute or a chronic injury from work, whiplash, sports injuries


Dr. Ryan Song's Take

One of my favorite concepts is “3R” Release, Restore, and Revive

  • Release the tensions by doing stretches, exercises or use devices such as C-Rest or Neck hammock (the links provided below for your conveniences).

  • Restore the functions of the affected muscles so these tight muscles stay relaxed. Why? the muscle injury provides an ongoing reconstructive and regenerative challenge in clinical work. To promote muscle repair, you may try pilates & yoga, but nutrition takes a big role.

  • Revive, so the headaches never come back.


One Quick Solution

Stretches to release the tension off of the affected muscles as often as possible (if you're not sure where to start, we will send you tips and guide by email).

I personally curated these Amazon products to help you stay on top of things (Click here to see the full list!)